Мистецтво приготування їжі – одне з самих древніх на планеті. Протягом віків люди, керуючись власним досвідом та набуттям попередніх поколінь, вибирали найбільш вдалі сполучення продуктів і раціональні прийоми їх приготування. Сторіччями складалися гастрономічні звички і пристрасті різних народів, що вкінець привело до створення національних кухонь, які стали невід’ємною частиною їх національної культури. Бурхливий розвиток туризму в останні роки зумовлює нагальну потребу більш глибокого вивчення особливостей світової національної кулінарії.
В останні роки на світовому ринку нових ресторанних технологій і харчових продуктів визначилась тенденція до збільшення кількості якісно нових продуктів, які призначені не тільки для надання смакових задоволень, а і попередження різноманітних захворювань, зміцненню захисних можливостей організму, зниження ризику впливу токсичних сполук і несприятливої екологічної ситуації. Спеціальні методи технологічної обробки, додаткові включення у сучасні рецепти певних добавок сприяє забезпеченню підвищення якості, харчової цінності страв та продуктів і десерти не є виключенням.
The relevance of the chosen topic is clearly reflected in the fact that the culinary industry is constantly changing and adapting to new consumer demands. Recent years have been marked by a growing interest in cooking, in particular desserts, which are not only a pleasure for taste buds, but also a form of art. Factors such as changes in taste preferences, increased demand for health, innovations in technology and design approaches make this topic very relevant. The study of modern culinary trends and their impact on the restaurant industry can contribute to the development of new concepts of public catering establishments, increase their competitiveness and ensure the satisfaction of consumer needs. The art of cooking is one of the oldest on the planet. for centuries, people, guided by their own experience and the acquisition of previous generations, chose the most combined products and rational methods of their preparation. For centuries, the gastronomic habits and passions of different peoples were formed, which ultimately led to the creation of national cuisines, which became an integral part of their national culture. The rapid development of tourism in recent years leads to an urgent need for a more in-depth study of the peculiarities of world national culture.
In recent years, in the world market of new restaurant technologies and food products, there has been a tendency to improve the quality of new products that are designed not only for pleasure, but also for the prevention of various diseases, strengthening possible protective factors, reducing the risk of exposure to toxic compounds and adverse environmental conditions. . Special methods of technological processing, additionally included in modern recipes of certain additives, ensure an increase in the quality and nutritional value of dishes and products, and desserts are no exception.
Based on modern trends in the field of food, the issue of researching technologies, methods, recipes of desserts, which are used both in domestic and foreign cooking, becomes relevant.
The method of research in the thesis is the study of the assortment and technologies of desserts in national and foreign cuisine.
For this goal, the author has defined a number of tasks:
- describe the assortment of desserts in national and foreign cuisine;
- peculiarities of the development of dessert technologies in national and foreign cooking;
- explore modern trends in the design and presentation of desserts;
- analyze the technological processes of desserts to ensure competitive products, using the example of a newly created dessert;
- design regulatory and technological documentation for new products;
- to investigate the nutritional value of the developed trendy dessert.
The study of dessert technology was chosen as the research object.
The subject of the diploma research is the group of dishes "desserts", as well as the newly created dessert "Banana-pumpkin pancakes".
The information base of the thesis is normative documentation, scientific publications of domestic scientists, materials of scientific conferences and studies, reports and analytical materials of official statistical collections, scientific and educational literature on the given topic.
Structure and scope of work. The diploma work consists of an introduction, three sections, conclusions and used literature.
To achieve the objectives, the following research methods were used: analysis of literary sources and regulatory documentation. observation and analysis of practical examples. experimental testing, development and testing of new recipes and technologies for the preparation of desserts in order to determine their effectiveness and application possibilities, analysis of nutritional value. These research methods were jointly used to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the assortment, technologies and design of desserts in national and foreign cuisine.